VFA-4 not turning smoothly, making nasty screeching noises

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Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:06 am


I've just got a VFA-4, which I was really looking forward to using.

However, it is not turning smoothly, and there's a horrible metal-on-metal screech with basically any turn of the mechanism. It's so loud that it literally couldn't be used on set during a take.

None of these things are very "Arri-like" to my mind, so I'm assuming something's wrong with my unit?

Is there a maintenance manual or schematic that I could look at to see if I can service the thing (before having to ship it interstate to get to my "local" Arri branch)?
Jan Heugel
Posts: 562
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:15 pm
Location: Munich, Germany

Hi Mark,

I'm not aware of any sound on the VFA-4s i've used. Please make a short video of VFA-4 making the noise and send it to ARRI Service--> service@arri.de.
They will sort it out.

Jan Heugel
Application Engineer
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