Baselight BLG color data embedded in alexa camera files

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Posts: 13
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The BLG color data embedded in alexa files that utilize on set filmlight color grading----Is this considered a more advanced alternative to alexa footage containing a client lut /AML?

Jan Heugel
Posts: 568
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:15 pm
Location: Munich, Germany

Dear Tom,

please elaborate your question.

Livegrading on set with ALEXA Mini, AMIRA, LF and SXT is possible with many different tools.
The embedded look metadata/livegrading data stays in form of the ARRI look file 2.

We do not embedd "BLG color data" in our original Camera Negatives.

Jan Heugel
Application Engineer
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed May 18, 2016 10:41 pm

I have some test files (from filmlight) that I was evaluating...

thats why my questions....

from my filmlight release notes--
ARRI BLG Support

* Baselight and Daylight now support the reading of BLG data stored in
ARRI media. This allows preliminary grades that are created on set
using Prelight to be applied automatically when the media is
imported into Daylight or Baselight, without the need for additional
BLG files.

daylight is the on set color grading/"dailies" software
prelight is designed just for setting looks
baselight is full blown color grading software

So I guess the files from filmlight are modified arri files and not getting them mixed up with the original camera files would be an issue.
Jan Heugel
Posts: 568
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:15 pm
Location: Munich, Germany

Dear Tom,

I had to delete some posts, because I should have done my homework!

Filmlight uses our Camera Access Protocol to embed their very own BLG data (look design data) via Prelight.
So BLG ≠ ARRI Look FIle 2

Baselight can read that data from the file header.

Jan Heugel
Application Engineer