Alexa 35 footage exporting exposure/color shift in DaVinci

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Joined: Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:19 pm

Hello - editing my Alexa 35 footage in Davinci Resolve. 80% of footage exports/renders out as it looks in Davinci. However, some of the footage shot with the exact same camera settings/meta data exports WAY too dark and off color. Anyone else experience this and have a remedy? Thanks!
Andreas Berkl
Posts: 77
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Location: Munich, Germany

Hi Dean22,

as a first guess, and I know this may sound arrogant, maybe the settings are NOT identical for those 20% ...

Can you post the ALE file(s) together with the information, which clip(s) are too dark?

Best regards,
Andreas Berkl
Andreas Berkl
Digital Camera Specialist ARRI
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:44 am

Check the following:
1. Color Management: Ensure project settings and input color space (e.g., ARRI LogC4) are consistent.
2. Clip Attributes: Right-click problematic clips in Media Pool and verify their input color space matches others.
3. LUTs and Grades: Confirm no unintended LUTs or grading differences in the Color tab.
4. Render Settings: Match timeline and output color space/gamma tags in Deliver.
5. Update Resolve: Use the latest version for better ARRI metadata support.

If the issue persists, manually adjust problem clips or force conform them. 😊
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